If you notice an unpleasant

Why Shower Smell?

odor in your shower or bathroom, it’s likely that there is a buildup of bacteria or organic matter somewhere. Here are some of the 5 most common reasons why your shower might smell:

1. Clogged Drain: A blocked drain can lead to stagnant water, causing foul odors to emanate through the drain.

2. Mildew or Mold Buildup: Areas of your shower smell with poor ventilation accumulate moisture across time and lead to mildew or mold colonization, which often produce musty-smelling odours.

3. Dirty Shower head: A dirty showerhead may have a bacterial buildup that results in unpleasant smells.

4. Sewer gas: Strong sulfur-like odor like rotten eggs can indicate sewer gases which seep into the home through floor drains & air admittance valves.

5. Hard Water Buildup: Hard water shower minerals can deposit on the walls of the pipes and faucet, forming unsightly buildup that over time promotes bacteria growth, leading to unwarranted shower smell.

To address odours within your shower it is necessary to clean regularly, ensure there is a proper air flow and regular plumbing maintenance. For stronger smells or severe cases of standing water within the pipes, it is recommended to contact Professionals like Dayton Plumbing Services at (905)-604-7710.